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Owner: Holly Dz
Apr 11, 20224 min read
Inch Plant Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#57
Inch Plants are one of the most unique plants with varying colors and plentiful growth.

Owner: Holly Dz
Mar 14, 20223 min read
Herbs Pt.1- Care and Growing Basics: Podcast Ep#55
Herbs are not commonly used as a houseplant but why couldn’t they be? Not only are the beautiful, they are functional!

Owner: Holly Dz
Feb 15, 20223 min read
Boston Fern Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#53
The lush Boston Fern is a classic houseplant for anyone to love! It can be a little finicky and messy but the impact makes it worth it.

Owner: Holly Dz
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Banana Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#52
The big, beautiful Banana plant is not an easy houseplant but so worth it! With its expansive foliage and big impact, consider these!

Owner: Holly Dz
Jan 4, 20224 min read
Asparagus Fern- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#50
The name and and look is deceiving, but the Asparagus Fern never disappoints with their incredibly fast growth, easy care, and fun texture.

Owner: Holly Dz
Dec 21, 20213 min read
Amaryllis- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#49
This plant is one of the few holiday flowers that makes a big impact.

Owner: Holly Dz
Dec 7, 20213 min read
Norfolk Pine- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#48
This staple holiday houseplant actually makes the perfect year round houseplant!

Owner: Holly Dz
Nov 9, 20214 min read
Peace Lily- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#46
I find Peace Lilies to be one of the easier houseplants to maintain and I commonly find they are also very forgiving!

Owner: Holly Dz
Oct 11, 20214 min read
Money Tree- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#44
Money Trees can be found at almost every plant shop and is known for symbolizing good luck and good fortune.

Owner: Holly Dz
Sep 27, 20214 min read
Maidenhair Fern- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#43
These ferns are notoriously known as one of the most difficult houseplant but I am here to tell you, they really aren't bad!

Owner: Holly Dz
Aug 16, 20214 min read
Philodendron Pt.1 & Pt. 2- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#14 & Ep#40
The genus Philodendron house some of the most diverse, unique & spectacular plants, most of which make perfect houseplants.

Owner: Holly Dz
Aug 2, 20214 min read
Bird of Paradise- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#39
Bird of Paradise have an epic, large leaf structure and, if you are lucky, an incredible and unique flower.

Owner: Holly Dz
Jul 5, 20214 min read
Croton- Plant Bio: Podcast Ep#37
Even though Croton are known as a difficult houseplant, their brilliant colors, full foliage and sturdy leaves make it worth it.
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