Anthuriums are the most expansive genus in the Araceae family spanning from huge, thick, leathery foliage, to delicate, thick, finger-like leaves! Something for everyone! At home, I have a Variegated Hookeri and an Anthurium superbum!
Common Names: Normally people just call them by their botanical name, Anthurium. If they are talking about a particular cultivar they will say that name or sometimes you may hear the blooming varieties as Flamingo Flower.
Anthurium scherzerianum- traditional blooming
Anthurium crystallinum
Anthurium clarinervium
Anthurium vittarifolium
Anthurium veitchii
Anthurium magnificum
Anthurium superbum
Anthurium regale
Anthurium pallidiflorum
Anthurium villenaorum
Anthurium warocqueanum
Anthurium decipiens
Anthurium cutucuense
Anthurium forgetii
Anthurium luxurians
Anthurium papillilaminum
Anthurium scandens
Anthurium luxurians
Anthurium radicans
Anthurium metallicum
Anthurium rotolantei
Anthurium polydactylum
Anthurium salgarense
Anthurium balaoanum
Anthurium andraeanum
Anthurium clidemioides
Anthurium balaoanum
Anthurium wendlingeri
Anthurium hybrids:
Ace of Spades, King of Spades, Hookeri, Mickey Boy, Jack of Clubs, Superstar, Black Magic, Crystal Hope, Dark, Silver, Phoenix, El Condor, Fingers, Baron, Bosworth Beauty, Dark Mama, Thai Ruby, Big Red Bird, etc
Sun Requirements:
Bright, indirect light is best for almost all Anthuriums and there is a consensus that none of them want to be indirect light. A few varieties do well in medium light but safe to say bright, indirect light is the best environment.
If you need any guidance to understanding light, or are in need of a grow light to help increase your light, check out the links!
Water Requirement
Anthuriums usually need high moisture or medium moisture. None of them like to be sitting in water but they do not like to completely dry out in between watering.
Most of these varieties also need high humidity or, at the least, medium humidity to thrive. Different ways to increase humidity are by placing a humidifier near by, misting the leaves with a spray bottle, placing a tray of water and pebbles below the plant (you can use a larger saucer for this), placing you plant in a mini Ikea greenhouse or green house cabinet (there are more sizes and color besides the like I provided). I use a humidifier and I do mist the leaves sometimes.
I think this is dependent on the variety you are trying to grow. If your Anthurium is known for its blooms, you want a high phosphorus fertilizer but if your plant is known for its foliage you could do a high nitrogen fertilizer or a balanced fertilizer.
As I always say, there are LOTS of ways to fertilize plants. I currently use Fox Farm's Grow Big Liquid Fertilizer or Fox Farm's Big Bloom Liquid Fertilizer or flowering plants. I fertilize about every 2 weeks when I water my plants, starting around the end of February through October. I only fertilize once or twice in winter because the plant isn't as active!
There are MANY ways to fertilize and it is completely up to you! There are tons of products out there you can try but an overall rule of thumb for houseplants is that it is best to under-fertilize, rather than over-fertilize. Always use the recommended amount, or less, when applying your fertilizer to houseplants.
Depending on the variety, you may be splitting a new plant at the base, or taking a stem cutting. If you plant is showing signs of grow from nodes, that is your sign that you can do a stem cutting. If you plant is all in one clump, you may need to split your plant's roots to propagate.
Other Facts
All part of the Araceae Family (same family as Monsteras & Philodendron)
Native to tropical Americas (mostly Central and South America)
Most resources said to use well draining potting mix or soil but since they prefer higher moisture, I would allow for a little but of soil retention.
The sizes vary significantly based on the variety and then your environment can be a factor for the mature growth.
These are extremely toxic to pets and people so beware of nibbling kittens and curious kids! If you are interested in learning about more pet friendly plants, check out Podcast Ep#31 for more info or the corresponding blog post!
Instagram Q&A
I always ask followers if they had any specific questions, opinions or hot-takes I can address in this podcast and blog. Here are what people told me and and my answers for this topic:
"Where do I start? What's an easy-ish one and what obviously, is the basic care?"
My Anthurium Variegated Hookeri has been super easy and low maintenance to take care of. That is a great introduction to Anthuriums! I think my Anthurium superba is one step up in difficulty because it needs higher moisture and higher humidity than my Hookeri.
"Why the leaf shape with the jagged edge? Any special reason?"
I think the picture I posted was a little deceiving, it has a slightly wavy edge but pretty much smooth! Most of the varieties are pretty smooth and tend to differ in their thickness.
"I always love hearing if they plants are pet safe of not!"
Unfortunately, if you are nervous about your pets or kids around plants, this is not the houseplant for you! Check out Podcast Ep#31 or the corresponding blog post for some safe options!
Go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and more! Search for Houseplant Homebody to hear this episode and MANY more! You can also listen directly on my website under the Podcast page!
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Always written with extreme plant passion!
Love, Holly (Owner & Creator of Houseplant Homebody LLC)