Because of each and every one of you, Houseplant Homebody is considered a top houseplant podcast AND blog on Feedspot! Thank you SO much for your support and love in just the few months I have been bringing you as much plant information as I can!
I can't WAIT to continue bringing you podcasts every other Tuesday and blog posts as often as I can! I am committed to bringing you the facts and the honest truth about my experience with plants and what I've learned.
Thank you to Feedspot for considering me for as a top podcast and blog!!!
Check out Feedspot's Top 15 Houseplant Podcasts- Houseplant Homebody is currently #10!
Check out Feedspot's Top 35 Houseplant Blogs- Houseplant Homebody is currently #20!
I hope you all continue listening and learning with me! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
- Holly Muenchow
Stay connected on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest @houseplanthomebodyllc
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