It's always good to regroup and remember the basics! In this episode, we are going to review the thought process of buying houseplants, caring for houseplants, and we are going to explore some questions that we both may still have about houseplants!

First thoughts when buying a houseplant:
Do I like the way this looks?
Does this plant fit in my collection? Or did I want something totally different?
How much is it and does it compare to the market?
Are there any visible pests or issues?
Is this plant going to be a problem for my pet?
What level of care is it?
Sunlight needs?
Watering needs?
Humidity needed?
What soil mixture is needed?
If it is high maintenance? Do I have the ability, and means, to care for it?
If I don't have the means, do I want to put the effort into it?
If so, what else would I need to get?
Do I have space for it, or can I make space for it?
Are there any other accessories or containers it needs before bringing it home?
Existing HH Guides & Episodes To Help:
Pests & Plants Ep33- Podcast Episode & Blog
Common Houseplant Questions Ep36- Podcast Episode & Blog
Grow Lights Ep63- Podcast Episode & Blog
Plant Lovers Gift Guide Ep70- Podcast Episode & Blog
Light Explained Ep72- Podcast Episode & Blog
Ways to Hang Houseplants Ep77- Podcast Episode & Blog
Watering Explained Ep84- Podcast Episode & Blog
Medium Explained Ep86- Podcast Episode & Blog
Propagation Explained Ep88- Podcast Episode & Blog
Holly's Questions:
Do coffee grounds actually work as fertilizer?
Yes and no
It's good because it can acts as a slow release nitrogen fertilizer and can help with moisture retention. Keep in mind, it adds acidity.
It's bad for new plants because it can stunt growth, it is toxic to dogs, and if you use too much, it can prevent moisture from penetrating the soil.
It is best to use it as a compost and mix it into the soil around your plants.
Does misting actually work for increasing humidity?
It does but only for a short period of time. If you need to increase humidity in a whole section of plants or a room, it is best to invest in a humidifier.
How often do I actually need to water my moss poles?
Any time it gets dry at least! Keeping moss pole moisture higher allows for stronger roots, larger growth, and healthier plants.
My Snake Plants always look thin and wrinkly, is this underwatering?
Yes definitely dehydration! Even though it is best to underwater, even Snake Plants have their limit. I water maybe every 3-4 weeks now but I may need to keep it consistent like the rest of my plants. I water most of them about every 2 weeks in peak season.
My Orchids STILL haven't bloomed, what haven't I tried?
Hase the temperature dropped to about 60 degrees F?
High phosphorus fertilizer?
How much do plants actually clean the air?
They really don't! According to the American Lung Association, you would need 10-1,000 plants per square meter of indoor floor space to make a difference. The natural ventilation of a building does a better job of cleaning the air. Check out the article!
Instagram Q&A
I always ask followers if they had any specific questions, opinions or hot-takes I can address in this podcast and blog. See below fo questions people asked. Here are my answers for this topic:
"Yellow leaves, when to repot, trouble shooting issues!"
What to think of when you see yellow leaves...
Over or under-watering
Need to repot?
Too much light?
When to repot...
When watering, is the plant drying out much faster then it should?
Even in peak season, is there minimal to no new growth?
If you pull the plant from the pot, do you see roots growing around the outside of the soil?
Things to think about when trouble shooting issues...
When did I last water?
When did I last repot?
Do I need to fertilize?
Are there any pests I need to treat?
Did temperatures change dramatically?
Did lighting change or does it need to change?
Does it need humidity that I'm not providing?
"How to shape a FLF to look like a tree"
Once your FLF gets to an ideal height, you can cut the top of the plant to encourage branching. As your FLF grows larger, it may naturally start to drop those lower leaves. If you notice more leaves or stems growing on the lower part of the plant, you can trim them off to allow the plant to focus on other parts.
"How often should soil be changes?"
Conflicting opinions are out there for this one! Since soil also provides nutrients for your plant, you don't want to wait too long. It can range from 1-3 years, depending on the size of the plant, and age. Most sources say about 1-1.5 years.
"Best sunlight spot for plants in a home?"
This is SUPER dependent on the plant, how often you open your curtains, or if there are any obstructions outside. South and West provide the most direct light, East will provide the best bright, indirect to medium light, while North will provide medium to low light.
Check out Light Explained for more details!
"Type of pot that's best for plants to grow in? Thoughts on self-watering pots?"
This is also dependent on the plant! Terra cotta or ceramic is great for plants that need to dry out in between watering. If you need plants to maintenance their moisture consistently, plastic or glazed is great! I haven't experimented with self-watering pots but if you struggle to keep moisture loving plants alive, I do believe this a great solution as long as there is a way to measure their moisture as well.
"Hot take: plants are hard. I kill more than I'd like...but your podcast has helped me keep a lot more alive!"
TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! I am still learning every day how to care for certain plants and what my personal limits are! I'm glad the podcast is helping you too!
"#1 piece of advise for a brand new plant parent?"
Master the low maintenance houseplants first! Once you've mastered those, start trying plants that have more needs!
Check out Top 10 Low Maintenance Plants!

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Stay connected on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest @houseplanthomebodyllc.
All your engagement on my podcasts, blogs, and social media posts help other plant lovers find me too!
Always written with extreme plant passion!
Love, Holly (Owner & Creator of Houseplant Homebody LLC)